What's Opening (August 3rd - 4th)
Dear followers,
I hope you're having a lovely summer!
Below you'll find three recommendations for art exhibitions and events taking place this weekend in Tel Aviv.
We've opened a public Oh So Arty tour in Jerusalem, so save the date: August 18th, a special program curated and led by our local art insider Jenna Romano (email me for more details :-)): http://www.ohsoarty.com/jerusalem
Wishing you a fun weekend,
Event: T - Art
Special workshops, performances and events at the museum, every Thursday during August from 9 pm to midnight
Venue: Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Date: August 3rd, 9 pm
Liav Mizrahi
Exhibition: Summer 2017
Artists: Shirley Wegner, Boaz Noy, Efrat Hakimi, Karam Natour, Roee Rosen, Zoya Cherkassky
Venue: Rosenfeld Gallery
Opening: From Friday, August 4th (no opening event)
Boaz Noy